Publications / 1996 Proceedings of the 13th ISARC, Tokyo, Japan

Crane Operating Field Control System

J. Nishimura,K. Okuzumi,T. Imamura, T. Kishino
Pages 663-672 (1996 Proceedings of the 13th ISARC, Tokyo, Japan, ISSN 2413-5844)

Based on conditions in the area surrounding a site, in certain cases constraints apply to the use of cranes in construction. Such cases include sites very close to a road, railway line, power transmission line, or another building, as well as sites where legal restrictions such as civil aeronautics law apply.

The crane operating field control system uses an automatic tracking total station to measure in real time the position of the end of a crane's boom. The operating range of the crane is set by a computer which uses data on the real time position of the boom to determine whether it is within the safe area. The computer can set multiple and complex operating ranges as well store operational data and warning signal data, information which can be applied to future work.

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