Publications / 2005 Proceedings of the 22nd ISARC, Ferrara, Italy

REPAC Information System

Massimo Cataldi, Daniele Ganapini, Ilaria Travaglini

In Italy, monitoring presences in the building site represents an important problem for technical and organising aspects and at the same time from the economical and administrative point of view. The existance of a social clause concerning the respect of the terms of the national contract signed by trade unions in the contracts of public works; the fragmentation of the productive cycle and of operators; the responsabilities and the present behaviours of the professionals charged with the management of works, of firms and of purchasers; incited to study and to test an integrated system for the treatment of data at a regional level, strictly connected with the data bank of the observatory of public works.

Keywords: Building Industrial District, Monitoring, Public Works, Social Responsability