Publications / 2011 Proceedings of the 28th ISARC, Seoul, Korea

A Study on Highly Efficient Cargo Handling System

Kyoung Taik Park
Pages 1486-1490 (2011 Proceedings of the 28th ISARC, Seoul, Korea, ISBN 978-89-954572-4-5, ISSN 2413-5844)

This paper presents the energy saving methods and energy storage system to be required for the highly efficient cargo system in container terminal. The best proper method of energy saving is decided by the operation method of cargo handling system and the saving effect of this method is studied. The advantage and disadvantage of battery as energy saving system is studied. The battery in several kinds of energy saving system has the economical propriety in cost and technological side currently and it is investigated as the expected energy saving system in consideration of the future progress of technology. And also the saving effect and economical propriety of battery energy saving system and hybrid system of transfer system in container port and yard are very highly evaluated.

Keywords: Yard Tractor, Cargo Handling, Energy Storage System, Battery, Hybrid System, Energy Saving