Publications / 2013 Proceedings of the 30th ISARC, Montréal, Canada

Regeneration of Congested Areas by Robotic Urban Renewal

K. Iturralde, T. Bock
Pages 1255-1262 (2013 Proceedings of the 30th ISARC, Montréal, Canada, ISBN 978-1-62993-294-1, ISSN 2413-5844)

Dense transport infrastructure areas lack green facilities, they produce annoying noise and they are big energy consumers. As far as there is no free land or space, adding a vegetal covering to existing infrastructures has become a choice in order to get a more pleasant and comfortable environment. Noise barriers are getting spread all over the highways and sometimes they install photovoltaic panels. Is this just a hype or are there real causes? A green acoustic barrier with an energy generator could be interesting for covering the existing urban transport infrastructures. The specific geometry of the infrastructures requires a personalized product. If we measure the infrastructure environment's characteristics, which are humidity, temperature, sunlight and size, we can create an accurate 3D model. This model would be used for various purposes. For instance, it could be a useful tool to design and fabricate the customized prefab acoustic barriers and plant containers. And it would be helpful for adjusting efficiently the future performance of the vegetation and photovoltaic panels. But the insertion of vegetal elements in infrastructure surroundings can be a tough operation. It requires special skills and techniques. Nowadays, those tasks are performed almost manually and they require a big effort. The prefab containers for vegetal elements would ease the robotic assembly on site.

Keywords: Urban, infrastructures, robotic assembly, green covering, energy source