Publications / 2022 Proceedings of the 39th ISARC, Bogotá, Colombia

Machine Learning for Construction Process Control: Challenges and Opportunities

Bharath Sankaran
Pages 532-535 (2022 Proceedings of the 39th ISARC, Bogotá, Colombia, ISBN 978-952-69524-2-0, ISSN 2413-5844)

One of the primary drivers of inefficiencies plaguing con-struction projects world over is the lack of efficient process control in the construction process. This paper explores the idea of construction process control through BIM based qual-ity control. It discusses the challenges of practically imple-menting BIM based quality control on a construction site and the opportunities for innovation in this space using state-of-the-art Machine Learning methods.

Keywords: BIM; 3D Machine Learning; Laser Scanning; Process Control