2004 Proceedings of the 21st ISARC, Jeju, South Korea
Carl Haas
Abstract: Recently, sensing technology has been experiencing quantum leaps in price reduction and in performance. This has
occurred because of simultaneous advances in new materials, cheap computing power, micro to nano-level integrated
fabrication, wireless networking, and sophisticated information technology. At the same time, the pace of business
and the pace of change have been ...
Keywords: No keywords
Jun-Sik Kim, Ho-Won Kim, In-So Kweon
Abstract: We present some novel concepts for the scene geometry recovery by a multi-camera system. A new
global appearance measure is introduced for a novel generalized scene recovery methodology, called the
For the efficient calibration of the multi-camera system, we investigate the projective properties of the
concentric circle pattern. Specifically, two algebraic constraints from ...
Keywords: photorealistic 3D reconstruction, volume based approach, camera calibration
Yusuke Yamazaki
Abstract: The paper aims to discuss future direction of management of innovative technologies toward construction
innovation. Our focus here is technology and knowledge fusions. At first technology and knowledge fusions in
building construction are described. Secondary processes of technology and knowledge fusions are analyzed
focusing on automation technology and information technology. Thirdly, a strategy ...
Keywords: innovation construction fusion technology knowledge automation information management strategy
Hyun Jeong (James) Choo, Todd Zabelle
Abstract: As modern projects become increasingly complex, dynamic, and pressed for time, delivering them on
time and on budget using traditional means is becoming more and more challenging. Strategic Project Solutions,
Inc. (SPS) has successfully extended Lean Manufacturing techniques to complex production-based project
environments, namely large construction and industrial projects.
To support large and complex ...
Keywords: Production Control, Project Management, Distributed Planning and Control, Remote and Real-Time Collaboration
Vivek Verma, Koshy Varghese, A.L. Sekar
Abstract: Accropodes are non- reinforced artificial concrete blocks used for the protection of the breakwaters and
other coastal structures. There are numerous conditions that should be satisfied for the successful placement of
the Accropode. In the study done two tools are developed for the understanding of the various placement
conditions of Accropode. Experiments are ...
Keywords: 3D Simulation, Construction Planning, Breakwater Construction
Jeoung Tae Kim
Abstract: AMT Co., Ltd., which was founded in November 5th 1998, possessesoutstanding skills in designing, manufacturing and operating computer-based motion systems. In particular, the company is recognized as promising in business areas such as hydraulic system, robot using the servomotor system, automated construction machine and animatronics. In the company, the R&D ...
Keywords: No keywords
Kristian Wasén
Abstract: Optimal integrated design is potentially the most significant consequence of recent advances in service robotic technologies, enabling novel organizational forms to evolve. This paper provides a broad vision of the advent of a novel multi-disciplinary organizational function in the manufacturing and service sectors. Socio-technical management means an appreciation of the ...
Keywords: robotics, technological management, industrial engineering, automation and socio-economic issues, work and organizational design, organizational effectiveness
Tai Sik Lee, Dong Wook Lee, Ja Kyung Koo
Abstract: Nowadays, the dependence of productivity on construction equipment is getting bigger and the mass
of equipment cost is increase, those are indirect evidence of important of equipment. But construction field has
the characteristic that is the various activities and wide work area. These make many problems in the operating
of equipments. These problems ...
Keywords: Construction equipment, Telematics, Site characteristic, Economical analysis model
C. Balaguer
Abstract: The actual research trends in robotics and automation in construction industry (RAC) are
much different in comparison with the last decade. While during the 90s the R&D activities were
focused in the development of new robotic systems (most of them teleoperated) and in existing
machinery automation, the actual efforts are concentrated more in ...
Keywords: Automation, hard and soft robotics, civil infrastructures, house building, research trends
Yoshimasa Yoshida, Shuzo Furusaka, Takashi Kaneta, Yue Li, Junseok Lee, Takashi Saito, Hyeong Geun Park
Abstract: Recently, the construction industry is increasingly internationalized. Especially in the Northeast Asian region,
there are opportunities in which companies from various countries collaborate in projects more and more. And a lot of problems are caused by the differences between Western project management and local project
The aim of this study is, as ...
Keywords: supervision, supervisor, construction law, Korea, Japan
Yue Li, Shuzo Furusaka, Takashi Kaneta, Takashi Saito, Yoshimasa Yoshida, Hyeong Geun Park
Abstract: This paper introduces the result of a survey aimed at identifying the factors that affect the quality management
system of construction process in China. This research was carried out to analyze the factors and to rank them
according to their degree of importance. Two phases (design phase and construction phase) of ...
Keywords: Quality management, Construction process, Factors, China
Rauno Heikkilä, Mika Jaakkola
Abstract: This research studied the possibilities for utilizing different a priori types of measuring algorithms in
order to improve accuracy and reliability of automated machine control in road construction. Generally in
measurement science different a priori types of algorithms have widely been used to estimate beforehand the
propagation of randomly appearing errors. While the ...
Keywords: automation in construction, accuracy control, stochastic models, intelligence in automation
Mika Jaakkola, Rauno Heikkilä
Abstract: In this paper the type of CAD model-based automation is studied for the domain of infra construction
tasks. The needs for machine control models vary from machine to machine. This paper describes as examples
the machine control models needed for road graders, asphalt pavers, excavators, milling machines and
steamrollers the most typical ...
Keywords: automation in road construction, 3-D CAD, machine control models
Mitsuo Fukukawa, Tatsuya Yamaguchi
Abstract: Rapid development of computer or communication technology brought the IT, Information Technology,
to the road construction field also. IT may include possibility for rationalization of job site work. Among them,
new technology 3D-MC, 3 Dimensional Machine Control system, can unify following data, field design, survey,
and machine control. Therefore 3D-MC is able to ...
Keywords: Information Technology, 3 Dimensional-Machine Control system, Auto tracking, Total Station, System flow, High Accuracy
C. Y. Kim, K. Y. Kim, S. W. Hong, G. J. Bae
Abstract: Ground and rock mass considered in tunnelling have characteristics such as uncertainty, heterogeneity and structural complexity because they have been formed undergoing various geological events for a long period. So, it is difficult for engineers to predict behaviors of rock mass in tunneling. In the paper the authors describe the ...
Keywords: tunnel, database, GIS, real time, artificial neural network, virtual reality
C. Y. Kim, S. W. Hong, G. J. Bae, K. Y. Kim
Abstract: Specification of reinforcement method was suggested according to the ground condition and tunnelling environment such as adjacent building and surface settlement. Tunnel database consists of 8 different groups of data according to the tunnel construction situations and major problems of ground. A tunnel countermeasure expert system based on client/server system ...
Keywords: tunnel failure, countermeasure, fuzzy quantification II theory, tunnel reinforcement design
Rauno Heikkilä, Mika Jaakkola, Pekka Pulkkinen
Abstract: The paper introduces a model and procedure of 3-D geometric process for concrete bridge engineering.
New 3-D CAD design tools and 3-D measurement methods were developed and tested in the several real bridge
construction projects in Finland during 2001-2004. The paper describes these observations and suggests the first
conclusions for future developments as ...
Keywords: concrete bridge design, 3-D CAD, 3-D measurements
Rauno Heikkilä, Mika Jaakkola, Timo Saarenketo, Fiorenzo Malaguti
Abstract: This paper introduces information flow models for the total process of automated road rehabilitation.
Only superstructure layers of roads are considered in this examination. The practical processes and tools used in
the common construction processes in Finland and Italy are examined. The purpose is to demonstrate the
comprehensive development of automation into rehabilitation ...
Keywords: Automation, old road structures, rehabilitation
Sang-Hoon Song, Hyun-Soo Lee
Abstract: In the customer-focused paradigm, high quality products or services can strengthen competitiveness, raise
market-share, and provide a basis for long-term relationship with owners. But in most cases, the lack of
quantitative data makes it difficult for managers to judge the current status of quality appropriately during a
construction phase. Although quality is one ...
Keywords: Quality, Quality Control, Quality Cost, Multi-Dimensional Analysis
Min-Yuan Cheng, Chi-En Chang
Abstract: The high risk, uncertainty and complicated interface for division of work in the construction
industry have resulted in endless engineering dispute issues. Submitting claims during the performance of
construction contracts can be money wasting and time-consuming process. This paper summarizes dispute issues
occur often on construction site, clarifies what responsibility each party should ...
Keywords: Construction Disputes and Claims, Daily Records, Construction Claim Decision Making System (CCDMS)
S. Ping Ho, Li-yu Tang
Abstract: It is not unusual that BOT firms are granted to develop or operate certain business/project beyond the main
scope of a BOT project, such as the surrounding land development. By granting these BOT project associated
business, government can improve the project expected return and financial viability, and encourage potential
developers to participate in ...
Keywords: BOT,Mechanism Design,Real Option Theory
Hongqin Fan, Hyoungkwan Kim
Abstract: Construction equipment management and performance data are valuable assets for large contractors that need such historical data for decision making about resource allocation and equipment replacement; however, with large amounts of accumulated data, traditional data analysis based on a transactional system becomes increasingly inefficient. This paper summarizes a web-enabled data ...
Keywords: data warehouse, equipment management, decision support system, web application
Wen-der Yu, Yu-ru Lee
Abstract: Conceptual cost estimation during the early stage of a construction project plays
important role for feasibility analysis and project planning. Traditional approaches rely
heavily on experienced engineers, and may cause loss of conceptual estimation
knowledge of the firm. This paper proposes a method integrates a previous developed
conceptual cost estimation method (PIREM) with the ...
Keywords: Conceptual cost estimation; Neuro-fuzzy; Data mining, KDD; China
Meng-Hsueh Lee, Yu-Cheng Lin, H. Ping Tserng
Abstract: Knowledge map is one of the most important and useful tools in the knowledge management field.
Knowledge map can be used to effectively plan the implementation of a knowledge management strategy for a
term, department, and enterprise. With the assistance of knowledge map, users cannot only easily understand
and identify where the knowledge ...
Keywords: Knowledge Management; Knowledge Map; Construction Industry; Construction Project
E. Gambao, M. Hernando, F. Hernández, E. Pinilla
Abstract: In the last years, several robots for building façade cleaning have been designed and some prototypes
have been developed. However, most of these robotics systems are too expensive to be introduced in the market
or are only able to cope with very simple completely flat glass façades. Funded by the European Commission, ...
Keywords: Automatic Façade Cleaning, Climbing Robots, Cleaning Robots
Sung-yul An, Jae-ho Jang, Chang-soo Han, Pyung-hwa Kim
Abstract: To assess safety, cracks in concrete structure are measured by inspectors, who observe cracks with
their naked eyes and record them. But manual inspection is slow, and measured crack data is subjective.
Therefore, this study proposes inspection system for measuring cracks in concrete structure and providing
objective crack data to be used in ...
Keywords: crack, inspection, image processing, mobile robot
Chih-Yuan Chang, Yuan-Chu Chang, Shyh-Meng Huang
Abstract: This research present a system named Prioritization System (PS) to support the maintenance engineers
while they are making the decision about the priorities for maintenance applications of school buildings.
Distinguished from the other research done before, which built the priority model only with historical
data, the PS presented in this research bases both ...
Keywords: Prioritization System, Maintenance, School Building, Knowledge Base, University
Jeong-Ho Lee, Hyun-Seok Yoo, Young-Suk Kim, Jun-Bok Lee, Moon-Young Cho
Abstract: Crack sealing is a maintenance technique commonly used to prevent water and debris penetration
and reduce future degradation in pavement. The conventional crack sealing operations are, however, dangerous,
costly and labor-intensive. Labor turnover and training are also increasing problems related to crack sealing
crews. Automating crack sealing will improve productivity and quality, and ...
Keywords: Crack sealing, Pavement, Automation, Machine Vision, Path Planning
Seul Jung, Poong woo Jeon
Abstract: This paper presents experimental studies of force control algorithms for a crack sealing robot. The crack sealing robot is built as a test-bed to regulate contact force on the ground for a better task. Force tracking performances of two main force control algorithms, explicit force control and impedance force control, ...
Keywords: crack sealing robot, impedance force control, explicit force control
Kyung-Min Park, Young-Bog Ham, Soon-Wook Kwon, Kyoon-Tai Kim, Jae-Goo Han, Jeoung-Tae Kim
Abstract: Present removal work for road markings has been time-consuming and labor intensive because it has been performed manually using shaving type equipment. The traditional process causes traffic delay due to the passing control, resulting in unexpected accidents to workers working at dangerous road circumstance. Besides, the current shaving method leads ...
Keywords: work process analysis, water-jet system, road marking, intensifier, lever system
S. Ping Ho, Fang Ying Lin
Abstract: The early awareness of a potential financial distress is crucial to firms managers for understanding their
clients, suppliers and their own firms, and crucial to fund suppliers for assessing the construction firms credit
worthiness. The purpose of this paper is to develop a dynamic prediction model for financial distress in
construction industry using ...
Keywords: Financial Distress, Distress Prediction, Data Mining, CART (Classification and Regression
Tree), Construction Industry
Wen-der Yu, Han-wen Lin
Abstract: This paper tackles problems encountered in mining of incomplete data for
knowledge discovery of construction databases. As historical construction data are
expensive to collect, any waste of incomplete data means not only loss of knowledge but
also increase of costs for knowledge discovery of construction engineering. Unfortunately,
incompleteness is commonplace in the existing construction ...
Keywords: Construction; KDD; Data mining; Neuro-fuzzy; Incomplete data
Ming-Da Tsai, H. Ping Tserng
Abstract: Knowledge management has already demonstrated a number of benefits and has offered
justification for further implementation. The Internet facilitated its development and growth via
fast and timely sharing of knowledge. By sharing knowledge, a enterprise can creates
exponential benefits from the knowledge and experience as employee learns from it. In Taiwan,
the construction industry ...
Keywords: Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing; Strategies; Construction Project
Han-guk Ryu, Hyun-Soo Lee
Abstract: The duration of a construction project must be an important item in construction contracts. If
a contractor can work in the planned parameter, the contractor can finish the construction project in a
timely manner. However, when construction industry is compared to other industries, it is difficult to
complete a construction project in which ...
Keywords: CSDM(Construction Schedule Data Mart), Schedule Process, Impact Factor, Schedule
Risk, CBR(Case-Based Reasoning)
Junichi Yagi, Eiji Arai, Shinji Matsumoto
Abstract: It is the time resource that one deals with in scheduling. The task is how one can achieve the optimal allocation
of a given time resource over a set of assigned activities. Most of the existing scheduling methods use a
parametric time by which the activities are orderly allocated in accordance with ...
Keywords: union of opposites, internal and external order of time, initial and final conditions, dichotomy,
temporal symmetry and asymmetry, certainty and uncertainty, entropy
Wei-Chih Wang, Yu-Ting Lai
Abstract: Practitioners often manage construction interfaces and scheduling separately. However, poor
management of construction interfaces frequently causes delays in project duration. This work develops an
innovative scheduling model that incorporates management of construction interfaces for building projects.
The proposed model comprises five steps, including generating an integrated schedule, establishing interface
work groups, identifying front- and ...
Keywords: Interface management, construction interface, network scheduling, and schedule control
Min-Yuan Cheng, Ming-Hsiu Tsai
Abstract: Applying the business process engineering and organization planning philosophy, this study focuses on
the human resource planning for the construction management process reengineering to develop the team-based
human resource planning (THRP) method for humanpower allocation, which assists construction companies for
scheming, and assaying humanpower al lo c a t ion alternatives as the ...
Keywords: human resource planning, business process reengineering (BPR), computer simulation
Sanghyeok Kang, Jongwon Seo
Abstract: Roadway construction planning processes involve a large amount of information regarding design, construction
methods, quantities, unit costs, and production rates. GIS (Geographic Information System) is a very effective
tool for integrating and managing various types of information such as spatial and non-spatial data required for
roadway construction planning. This paper proposes a GIS-based ...
Keywords: GIS, Construction planning, Information integration, Space scheduling
Jung-Ho Yu, Hyun-Soo Lee, Sun-Kuk Kim, Chang-Duk Kim, Sang-Wook Suh, Jae-Ho Kim
Abstract: To ensure a continuous and smooth work flow, this research proposes (1) Tact Scheduling Method as an alternative to traditional ones and (2) Work Flow Monitoring System (WFMS). Tact scheduling is intended to balance the unit activities of relevant work trades in terms of the duration and the labor input ...
Keywords: Tact, Work Flow, Scheduling, Planning, Monitoring
Pao H. Lin, H. P. Tserng, W. Y. Lin, H. S. Hsu
Abstract: This study relies on integrated inventory theory which merges with the supply chain concept
and aims at the steel bar material of precast factorys twoechelon
supply chain system. In order to
consider the variable demand rate, unfixed supply time, unfixed supply frequency and unfixed supply
quantity, this study builds a strategic model that minimizes ...
Keywords: supply chain, integrated inventory, precast, material planning
J.Y. Lee, M.S. Kim, J.J. Lee
Abstract: The generation of the optimal walking trajectory is an important question for a biped robot to keep
walking stably. This paper is proposed for generating the walking trajectories resulted in best performance of the
biped robot using multi-objective evolutionary computation. We formulate a trajectory generation problem as a
multi-objective optimal problem. We obtain ...
Keywords: Multi objective, evolutionary computation, Pareto optimal, walking pattern, ZMP
Sudath R. Munasinghe, Ju-Jang Lee, Tatsumi Usui, Masatoshi Nakamura, Naruto Egashira
Abstract: A telerobotic test-bed has recently been built between KAIST(Korea) and Saga University(Japan). This
paper presents its first research work on investigating the interactive learning performance of human teleoperators.
For this purpose, the telerobotic test-bed was re-shaped to a telerobotic golf system. Eleven players were participated,
and their interactive performance with the telerobot was ...
Keywords: Teleoperation, Interactive learning, Telerobotic mini-golf
Sung-on Lee, Nak-ju Do, Dong To Nguyen, Myung Hwangbo, Bum-jae You, and Sang-rok Oh
Abstract: This paper describes the major components of software architecture of an autonomous visitor guide
robot with the brief explanation of its hardware system. This robot, Butler, was deployed in a real office
environment, Intelligent Robot Research Center at KIST, where it guided many visitors successfully. To make
the robot navigate the office and ...
Keywords: guide robots, mobile robots, service robots, navigation, HRI
M. Higashimori, M. Kimura, I. Ishii, M. Kaneko
Abstract: Preshaping is an important issue for a robot hand to grasp a moving object successfully.
Generally, a moving object in 3D space has rotational motion as well as translational
one. This study discusses dynamic preshaping issue for such an object changing the posture
momentarily. In this paper, we focus on determining the timing ...
Keywords: preshaping, high speed capturing robot, rotational object
Hyungseok Kim, Taehun Kang, Hyoukryeol Choi
Abstract: One of the traditional problems of the walking robot moving in 3D environment is how to
negotiate the boundary of two plain surfaces, which may be convex or concave. In this paper the
planning method in the transition region of the boundary is proposed in terms of geometrical view. In
each case such ...
Keywords: Walking Robot, Quadruped, Slope, MRWALLSPECT
M. Tavakoli, G.R Vosoughi, S. Bagheri, M.R. Zakerzadeh, H. Salarieh
Abstract: This paper introduces an optimized multi-task novel 4 DOF pole climbing/manipulating robot for construction works. The robot can travel along poles with bends, branches and step changes in cross section. It is
also able to perform manipulation, repair, testing and maintenance tasks after reaching the target point on the pole. A ...
Keywords: Design, Optimization, Genetic algorithm, Parallel robots, Pole climbing
Tomi Makkonen, Kalervo Nevala, Rauno Heikkilä
Abstract: This study examines the possibilities of controlling a six degrees of freedom excavator with the final
objective of controlling the movements of the excavator by using a CAD model of the road surface. Compared to
the traditional excavator with 4 DOF, the excavator was provided with two additional degrees of freedom by
applying ...
Keywords: robotic excavator, path generation, dig planning, modeling, simulation, triangular terrain model, CAD
Tomohiro Umetani, Yasushi Mae, Tatsuo Arai, Hironori Kumeno,
Kenji Inoue, Tomohito Takubo, Hiroshi Niho
Abstract: This paper describes a method of automated type and pose (position and orientation) identification of partially exposed metal objects that makes excavation of hazardous materials safe and efficient. The object pose is estimated by matching a model of the object to the area that is extracted
from the range image using ...
Keywords: This paper describes a method of automated type and pose (position and orientation)
identification of partially exposed metal objects that makes excavation of hazardous materials safe and
efficient. The object pose is estimated by matching a model of the object to the area that is extracted
from the range image using the characteristics of metal objects. Experimental results show feasibility of type and pose identification of partially exposed objects.
Jun Gu, James Taylor, Derek Seward
Abstract: This paper considers the design and implementation of an electro-hydraulic control system for a robotic excavator, namely the Lancaster University Computerised and Intelligent Excavator (LUCIE). The excavator is being developed to autonomously dig trenches without human intervention. Here, a gain scheduling design, based on Proportional-Integral-Plus (PIP) control methods, is utilised ...
Keywords: robotic excavator; model-based control; gain scheduling control; proportional-integral-plus
Tadashi Kanzaki
Abstract: The wave of advanced information technology will drastically change the ordinary construction systems in
the Japanese construction industry. The procurement and delivery systems of the Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure and Transportation will also be computerized. Construction robots need to be regarded as a
construction system in the context of the sophistication of information ...
Keywords: future vision of earthwork, unattended construction work , advanced information systems, Tunnel Boring Machine, future prospect for construction robots
E. Budny, M. Chlosta, W. Gutkowski
Abstract: The study presents a practical, optimal control system of the discharge process of a backhoe bucket. The process
begins when the bucket is filled and ends when the bucket come back to the digging position. In the process,
several geometrical constraints are considered, such as, clearance dimension, and obstacles in the excavator
working ...
Keywords: excavator, multi body systems, optimal control, hydraulic actuators, recursive multi body dynamics
M.S. Ajmal Deen Ali, S. Vijaya Bhaskar, N. Ramesh Babu and Koshy Varghese
Abstract: Cooperative crane lifts are considered as an alternative to specialized heavy crane lifts. However, in executing a cooperative crane lift, the precise coordination among the cranes is critical. This level of precision is better assured through automation of the lift operation. However, due to the drawbacks in current crane technology ...
Keywords: Crane lift, Cooperative manipulator, Automated path planning, Computer controlled execution
Thomas Bock
Abstract: The implementation of industrial robots in construction industry has proven to be difficult. The problem is not the technique but rather the difficulties in mixing human and robot labour in the dynamic, unstructured environment on site. Both systems need their specific basic conditions, which are impossible to provide on the ...
Keywords: Assembly Robots, (On Site-) Automation, Autonomous, Man/Machine Sys-tems, Process Automation, Simulation
Ger Maas, Frans van Gassel
Abstract: In the decades to come, building production will concentrate in the metropolitan centres of the world
due to the migration of the worlds population to the major cities.
An improvement of the construction process in densely populated inner cities will be the task of the future. This focuses on performance management, construction ...
Keywords: value creation, performance management, construction engineering, construction
management, automation, metropolis
Seung-Nam You, Seung-Yel Lee,
Hyeun-Seok Choi and Chang-Soo Han, Kye-Young Lee, Sang-Heon Lee
Abstract: Recently, the trend in architectural forms has been toward larger and taller building. The building
materials, therefore, are getting larger and heavier as well. Typical construction machineries are, however, not
adequate for handling these materials and most of the construction works have been still managed by a human
operator. Construction processes are, therefore, ...
Keywords: Curtain wall, Skyscraper, Multi-DOF Construction Robot (MDCR), Modularization, a
macro-micro motion manipulator, Human machine cooperative system
Thomas Bock, Alexej Bulgakow, Dimitry Parshin, Sergej Tkachev
Abstract: The paper presents the principles of construction and structural organization of the robotic mounting system. The concept of developing models of manipulators with elastic couplings has been suggested in terms of which we have obtained mathematical description of the crane. The problems of constructing mathematical models of the system manipulators ...
Keywords: construction, large-panel building, mounting, robotization
Dooil Hwang, Behrokh Khoshnevis
Abstract: The feasibility of CC along with its unique capabilities and key performance characteristics (speed, surface quality, material variety, possibility of embedding reinforcement, etc
) have been demonstrated in the construction of relatively large geometrical shapes and structural components using a variety of construction materials. Construction and testing of full-scale concrete wall ...
Keywords: Contour Crafting; automation; construction; structures; dwellings; fabrication; rapid prototyping
Junichiro Maeda, Hiroo Takada, Yoshio Abe
Abstract: Humanoid robot walks by a pair of legs and works using two hands. About this humanoid robot, authors investigate about the possibility of its application to various works on site.
Investigation is conducted by the following three methods. The first one is an investigation of matching the
demand function of the latest ...
Keywords: Applicable possibility study, Humanoid robot, Cooperative work on site, Cooperative work with a human worker
Junichi Akizono, Taketsugu Hirabayashi, Takashi Yamamoto, Hiroshi Sakai, Hiroaki Yano, Masaki Iwasaki
Abstract: Mechanization is necessary for safer and more efficient underwater construction work in port areas.
Teleoperated underwater construction machines are under developing. The problem is that conventional TV
camera system is useless in water because of turbidity. Haptic information is introduced as the aid to control
construction machines substituting for visual information. Components of ...
Keywords: Underwater Construction Machine, Visualization of Haptic Image, Force Feedback, Similar Figure Controller, Leveling Experiment
Chang-Yeon Cho, Jae-woo Park, Junbok Lee, Han-Soo Kim, Jeoung-Tae Kim
Abstract: This research is intended to develop a pilot type of automated pile verticality control equipment for
PHC piles and motivated by a desire to address problems inherent in as-is verticality control exercise during pile
driving. The paper provides understanding of the current verticality control methods and associated problems,
design and manufacturing of the ...
Keywords: PHC pile, vertical control, pile driver, automated equipment, servo system, pilot type
Jae-Goo Han, Kyoon-Tai Kim, Young-Suk Kim, Junbok Lee, Jeoung-Tae Kim
Abstract: The concrete pipe laying works are conducted in most of the construction sites. Several automated systems for
the pipe laying works have been developed in advanced countries to improve productivity, safety, and quality, and to gain potential savings in costs. They mainly focused upon easy handling and clamping system for the
pipes. ...
Keywords: concrete pipes, pipe installation, stewart platform, pipe manipulator, robot, construction automation
H. S. Shin, S.W. Lee, C. Y. Kim, G. J. Bae
Abstract: In this paper, a new methodology for identifying numerous elastic parameters of an orthotropic material from a single structural test is presented. At the heart of the methodology is the self-learning algorithm which is to extract various stress-strain relationships from a single structural test and train a neural network with ...
Keywords: neural networks, constitutive relationship, orthotropic material, material identification, self-learning algorithm
Thomas Bock, Alexander Drovnikov, Sergej Menshenin, Yuri Popkov, Irina Bulgakova
Abstract: Now there is a requirement in the simple and reliable, universal and effective systems providing given accuracy of conducting of holes. At creation of commercial plants of the directed lining of holes it is necessary to correlate integrally a design of head gear (HG) and installations as a whole, ways ...
Keywords: robotization, construction, control algorithms, visual sensor, mobile robots, planning of the robots movement, kinematics
Keon Young Yi, Jong Eun Lee, Sam Yong Chung, Song Soo Han
Abstract: In the field of construction work, shackle is one of the most essential tools to build up a structure on the foundation. The process of setting up the beam to its up-right position starts from linking the end of the beam and the shackle by a construction worker. Then the ...
Keywords: Auto-shackle, construction tool, shackle, clamp, revolutionarily advanced auto shackle
Thomas Bock, Helga Meden, Jana Timmermans, Ron Unser
Abstract: In the long run reusable partitions walls have lower costs and are more economical and especially more variable compared to convenient post-and-beam-structures. Because room requirements mainly in office and administration building change faster and faster, an extensive potential on future markets for these technologies exists.
Keywords: Flexibility, Economic Efficiency, Non-supporting removable wall-unity, Media- and electric wiring, Put-and-slide-technology, Relocate systems, Cost, Different Elements, Adapted assembly robot system.
Thomas Bock, Alexej Bulgakow, Oleg Parshin, Dimitry Parshin
Abstract: The paper considers technological features of erecting monolith objects with a variable cross-section, presents the formulated requirements to the mechatronic complex and the principles of its construction and gives the complex structure. Great attention is paid to the problems of the mechatronic complex movements planning taking into account restrictions on ...
Keywords: monolith construction, slip forms, mechatronic robotic system, planning, control algorithms, visual sensor, mobile robots, planning of the robots movement, kinematics
Keon Young Yi, Yong Jun Kim, Sam Yong Chung, Song Soo Han, Sang Heon Lee
Abstract: Balance beam, a controller that is built adopting the gyro effect, can freely control the attitude of an unstructured object by means of the position controlling of an inner gimbal. However in the former research, the weight (inertia) of a load should be known to issue a proper command for ...
Keywords: gyro effect, balance beam controller, construction equipment, load estimation, gimbal
Eun-Cheol Shin, Byoung-Wook Choi
Abstract: In this paper, we describe implementation and test result for a LonWorks based control
system in which air conditioner is handled by LonWorks node. The LonWorks based control system
for handling air conditioner remotely is integration of control nodes because LonWorks is a
communication protocol which is adopted as a standard protocol in ...
Keywords: Remote monitoring and control, Distributed control, system, Embedded Linux, Protocol converter, LonWorks network
Xiangyu Wang, Phillip S. Dunston, Miroslaw Skibniewski
Abstract: This paper provides information on Mixed Reality (MR), and more specifically Augmented Reality (AR) and their potential applications in heavy construction equipment and operator training. Mixed Reality involves the use of special display and tracking technologies that are capable of seamlessly merging digital (virtual) content into a real environment. Conceptual ...
Keywords: mixed reality, augmented reality, machine operator training, heavy construction equipment management
Yeonghwan Kim, Jongwon Seo
Abstract: Three-dimensional graphical simulation is very useful for construction planning with its geometric analysis and visualization capability. This technique can further contribute to the improvement of construction planning processes by visualizing the numerically expressed results of process simulation(discrete-event simulation). This paper describes a graphical simulation system that has links to construction ...
Keywords: Construction graphical simulation, Visualization, Virtual Reality, Discrete-event simulation
Kazuyoshi Endo, Yi-Feng Chien, Kenji Kimoto
Abstract: The study is aimed at better planning the cycle process that considers production characteristics in
high-rise RC building construction and at establishing a better method by a simulation system using
computer-aided tools. A special emphasis of this study is placed on examining the effect for shortening the
cycle term of site works and ...
Keywords: High-Rise RC Building, Simulation, Cycle Term, Line Balancing, Resource Leveling, Overtime Work
Wei-Chih Wang, Tzong-Shiun Liau, Jang-Jeng Liu
Abstract: Improving the scheduling of the design project can greatly reduce the total duration of the project. However, appropriately representing the schedule of a design project is complicated chiefly because the design activities often have different degrees of information dependencies between each other. That is, design process
involves a number of iterations ...
Keywords: design iteration, simulation, design schedule, and design process
T. M. Cheng, M. Y. Hsu, P. C. Chen, C. C. Lin
Abstract: A planner may use simulation for in the analysis and design of construction operation
processes to optimize overall performance of a construction system. Normally, the basic elements
used in construction operation process simulation system such as CYCLONE (CYCLic Operation
NEtworks) are activities and queues. Activity is used to model the execution of the ...
Keywords: GA, simulation, resource distribution
Makoto Utsumi, Hiroshi Sakai, Junichi Akizono
Abstract: Hydraulic Grabs are capable of placing and removing of underwater structures without hitch by divers.
However, grab operators are unable to observe states of the grabs and the objects when the turbidness of water
disturbs observation by TV cameras. For this reason, operators still need support and observation of divers
during positioning of ...
Keywords: Grab, Remote Control, Grasp Works, VR, Underwater Construction
Hyungeun Kim, Soungho Chae, Naruo Kano
Abstract: Photo taking at an actual job site provides a very useful tool for the record of construction progress
and the inspection of built-up members. The photos are also utilized as essential data to carry out the control of construction progress in virtual space. Besides, the situation of construction progress at an ...
Keywords: Virtual reality, 3D progress control, Site photo, Construction planning
Muhammad Athar Niaz, Mohamed Al-Hussein, Hyoungkwan Kim
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology for integrating 3D (three-dimensional) object transformations with simulation in order to build a 4D model to aid practitioners to visualize tower crane operations on the computer screen. Since the detailed project schedule is already divided into work-packages, the proposed methodology will further divide each work-package ...
Keywords: 3D Transformation, Tower Cranes, Simulation, 3D-animation
Seung Heon Han, Ho Dong Ryu, Myung Jin Chae, Han Him Kim, Do Yon Kim, Sun Hee Kim
Abstract: In order to improve the productivity of construction projects and achieve reliable workflow, it is necessary to quantify the eventual goals for the target process assessment. This research explores the feasible solutions for the construction performance improvement by use of the six-sigma principle, which provides appropriate boundaries of controlling critical ...
Keywords: performance, six-sigma principle, variation control, buffer size, simulation
Chung-Wei Feng, Hsien-Tang Wu
Abstract: Along with the development of the supply chain for the construction industry, an efficient system that coordinates cement trucks to deliver RMC (Ready Mixed Concrete) to various construction sites becomes important. This paper presents an integrated RMC dispatching model based on the dispatching center approach,
which utilizes fast messy genetic algorithms ...
Keywords: RMC dispatching, fmGA, GPS, optimization, simulation
Jung-Suk Lee, Nakju Lett Doh, Wan Kyun Chung, Bum-Jae You, Young Il Youm
Abstract: In this paper, an algorithm for door detection using a cheap PC-camera is developed based on the Bayesian network in a hallway where doors are located at various depth. The open/close status
of the door is also important in developing a GVG-SLAM and we extracted five important door features from the ...
Keywords: GVG- SLAM, door detection, low-cost sensor system, Bayesian-network
Dong Fan Shen, Se Kee Kil, Tae Jin Jang, Eung Hyuk Lee, Seung Hong Hong
Abstract: In this paper, earth coordinate of the
guidance robot for the visually impaired is detected
by using GPS (Global Position System), and the
system which leads the visually impaired to position
information (TM coordinate) in Korea is achieved
through map-matching with electronic map. The
visually impaired need more information about the
walking path than ordinary people when ...
Keywords: Guide Robot, GPS, Map-matching,
David E. Gilsinn, Geraldine S. Cheok, Alan M. Lytle
Abstract: Automation of construction processes can result in reduced project costs and increased worker safety. A process that lends itself to automation is the picking and placing of objects. However, determining the pose (position and orientation) of an object is critical. LADAR (laser detection and ranging) data provides 3D information of ...
Keywords: Binning, LADAR, object recognition, object segmentation, pose determination
Jung-Yeol Kim, Soon-Wook Kwon, Moon-Young Cho
Keywords: No keywords
Kap-Ho Seo, Ju-Jang Lee
Abstract: Motion tracking and object segmentation are the most fundamental and critical problems in vision
tasks such as motion analysis. An active contour model, snake, was developed as a useful segmenting and
tracking tool for rigid or non-rigid objects. Snake is designed on the basis of snake energies. Segmenting and
tracking can be executed ...
Keywords: Active contours, adaptive color snake model, condensation algorithm, object tracking, image segmentation, energy minimization, optical flow, Kalman filter
Changwan Kim, Carl T. Haas, Katherine A. Liapi
Abstract: 3D spatial-modeling can be used in various safety-enhancement applications and for as-built data
acquisition in project-control systems. The objective of the research reported herein was to provide spatialmodeling
methods that represent construction sites in an efficient manner and to validate the proposed methods
by testing them in an actual construction environment. Algorithms to ...
Keywords: Sparse range-point cloud, 3D spatial-modeling, convex hull, workspace partitioning
Woobang Lee, Boknam Lee, Hyounseung Jang, Seokin Choi
Abstract: Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Construction is a long-term project with huge scales of construction data
and it requires a large number of materials, labor and equipment. Also it is a grand scale project that invested
with billions to build a major power supply system. To effective manage NPP construction project, it is
essential ...
Keywords: Nuclear Power Plant, Project Management, Information Technology
Yan-Chyuan Shiau, Miao-Ling Huang, Tsung-Pin Tsai
Abstract: The construction market has been declined significantly for last few years in Taiwan. In order to survive in such difficulty environment, we have put some efforts on improving construction methods, creating new materials, and some other aspects. However, the most important factor to assure the success for construction companies is ...
Keywords: Object Oriented, Visual Modeling, Construction Management, PDA, Quality Inspection
Meng-Hsueh Lee, Meng-Hsueh Tserng
Abstract: To face the worldwide competition and pervasively use of new information technologies, enterprise
resource planning (ERP) systems are executed and implemented to enhance their competition capabilities. In
order to implementing ERP systems successfully in construction industries, an appropriate analysis model
ICE-PP (IDEF0 in Construction Engineering with The Proven Path) is presented in the ...
Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning; Construction Industry; Analysis Models
Choung-Houng Wu, Shang-Hsien Hsieh, I-Chen Wu, Hui-Ping Tserng, Tzung-Yu Wen
Abstract: The Public Construction Commissioner (PCC) in Taiwan is sponsoring a project to establish the
mechanism for developing information standards, in terms of XML schemas, for public construction work and
develop an XML Schema repository system for managing and publishing the standardized XML schemas. Parts
of the ebXML (Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language) ...
Keywords: XML schema, Repository, Information standardization and sharing, ebXML, Public construction
Chul Soo Kim
Abstract: Larger construction companies generally have several on-going projects at one time, many internationally. The
ability to make corporate decisions in a timely manner for these companies becomes critical to avoid costly
corrective measures. The information necessary for making such decisions comes from a large pool of
corporate data. In order to efficiently process ...
Keywords: Construction, Cost, IT, Database, Object-oriented, Information, Multiple Project Management
Se-Wook Oh, Hee-Jin Chang, Young-Suk Kim, Jun-Bok Lee, Han-Soo Kim
Abstract: Work information in a construction project can be effectively used to analyze the project status
related to schedule, cost, productivity etc. The purpose of this research is to develop a computer-based system
using PDA and barcode technology to measure and monitor the amount of workforce resources and productivity.
The developed system is expected ...
Keywords: PDA, Barcode, ASIMO, Labor management, Productivity, Schedule management
Ren-Jye Dzeng
Abstract: Most contractors negotiate with suppliers for their construction procurement according to negotiators
experiences instead of extensive exploration of negotiable options and negotiators preferences. Consequently,
negotiators often reach suboptimal agreements, and leave money on the table. This research developed an agentbased computer system that find optimal agreements using the genetic algorithm, compared the ...
Keywords: intelligent agent, genetic algorithm, e-commerce, artificial intelligence, construction management
Soungho Chae, Naruo Kano
Abstract: Recently construction workers tend to work alone and are getting older. In such working atmosphere, monitoring their works at the site is necessary for keeping task performance quality and accuracy. However, the management and evaluation of workers performance can only be done by supervisors physical observation. Understanding of their works ...
Keywords: 6-DOF sensor, estimation, workers task, monitoring
Y. Wu, H. Kim
Abstract: This paper presents a research effort designed to produce a digital imaging-based method to efficiently assess the level of construction project progress. Cameras are widely used to monitor and record various activities on a construction site. The images produced by the cameras can be processed with digital imaging techniques to ...
Keywords: Canny Edge, Digital Imaging, Morphological Transformations, Project Control
Yong K. Cho
Abstract: Although considerable achievement has been made to the development of methods of
extracting 3D geometrical information of objects from a scene, there are still major difficulties to visualize
complex objects into descriptive CAD models. This paper introduces a new framework for rapid 3D
modeling for complex planar objects which would enable automated material ...
Keywords: construction automation, 3D, CAD, complex model, laser range finder
Naai-Jung Shih, Pin-Hung Wang
Abstract: This research used a 3D scanner to retrieve the geometric information of finished pipe layout inside ceiling space and used the 3D point clouds to facilitate follow-up building management. The presence of as-built pipes enables the measurement of relative locations between various pipes, pipes and slabs, or pipes and walls. ...
Keywords: 3D scanner, point cloud, plumbing, as-built shop drawings, facility management
Julian Kang, Kampanart Tejavanija
Abstract: Many facilities management systems depend on location information for identifying
facilities of interest. However, obtaining location information in a large open space is not sometimes
easy due to lack of landmarks. Although Global Positioning System (GPS) is well known for its
ability to provide accurate positioning when used outdoor, it was seldom intended ...
Keywords: Facilities Management, Indoor Location System
Suyoung Shin, Jongsuk Choi, Mignong Park
Abstract: In this paper we propose an efficient method of localization for mobile agents by using the active beacon. Active beacons include the ultrasonic sensor, RF module and 8bit microprocessor. Existent systems have the constraint that one beacon cannot cover wide area since ultrasonic sensors have limits in the angle of ...
Keywords: active beacon, mobile agent, indoor localization, time of flight, ultrasonic, pan-tilt
Shang-Hsien Hsieh, Hsien-Tang Lin
Abstract: A form-based XML information processor, named XsForm, has been developed in this work. XsForm
takes an XML schema as input and generates the corresponding Windows forms automatically to facilitate
gathering, editing, sharing, and management of XML information. The information processed in XsForm is then
saved into a well-formed and valid XML file for ...
Keywords: XML, Schema, UIML, Form-based information processing, e-business
Kenji Kimoto, Mitsuhiro Fujiwara, Takahiro Kataoka, Shuichi Matsumura, Kazuyoshi Endo
Abstract: This paper reports the development of mobile computing in construction management.
The paper focuses on the methodology of the development based on EUC. First, the paper indicates
the effectiveness of EUC in construction projects. The authors introduce design pattern of user
interface and the use of UML for EUC. Secondly, the paper describes ...
Keywords: Construction Management, Mobile Computing, PDA (Personal Digital Assistants),
EUC (End User Computing), Design Pattern, UML (Unified Modeling Language)
Carlos H. Caldas, David G. Torrent, Carl T. Haas
Abstract: This paper describes a research study that is investigating data and technology requirements for the implementation of integrated real-time materials management on construction job sites. Specifically, the research aims (1) to formalize methods for accurate and timely materials tracking and (2) to define data integration needs between sensing technologies, materials ...
Keywords: materials management, information technology, sensing, computer integrated construction
Sangyoon Chin, Suwon Yoon, Yea-Sang Kim, Youngsoo Jung,
Soon-Chan Park, Moonhun Chung
Abstract: A progress management in construction projects plays an important role in providing as-built
information for project planning, control, cost engineering, and many others. However, progress information has
not been collected through objective methods or criteria but mainly based on an individuals own experience or
subjective judgment, which results in the limits of consistency, ...
Keywords: Progress management, Progress measurement, Information system
Jun-Hyung Shin, Gwang-Hee Kim, Kyung-In Kang, Hyung-Rae Kim, Ho-Kyoo Jo
Abstract: Timely temperature control in curing newly placed mass concrete is one of the major factors in forming quality concrete. Quick action is necessary to ensure proper designed strength of concrete and avoid cracking when the temperature of the concrete constantly changes. Generally, an automatic recording thermo-hygrograph is used to measure ...
Keywords: Wireless Data Acquisition System, Concrete Temperature, Curing Management, Mass Concrete
Atsuto Kura, Junichi Yagi, Yoshiaki Kamura
Abstract: In one construction production process, a huge quantity of data is used and it has complicated relation
among companies and systems. But the system environment which associates it is not established by the present
construction production. Therefore, when the event which blocks a process plan occurs, great cost occurs in change
of a ...
Keywords: Glue Logic, Parts and Packets, Active Data Base, RFID, XML, SVG
Bong Gyou Shim, Eung Hyuk Lee, Hong Ki Min, Seung Hong Hong
Abstract: This paper discuss a method measuring ZMP for biped robot. We obtained feet-bottom pressure distribution using FSR sensors attaching feet-bottom. We calculate value of ZMP coordinates that is the center of gravity for biped robot using their pressure distribution. Value of Biped Robot ZMP coordinates always exists in feet-bottom. When ...
Keywords: Biped Robot, FSR Sensor, ZMP, feet-bottom
Yutaro Fukase, Junichiro Maeda, Yoshihiro Kawai, Takashi Yoshimi, Fumiaki Tomita
Abstract: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan had run an R&D project on humanoid robotics
since 1998 for five years. In the first two years, platforms for humanoid robotics research were developed. In the
next three years, researches were carried on for five different applications. We joined a group of the ...
Keywords: humanoid robot, HRP-2, stereo vision, 3D image processing, VVV
Alan M. Lytle, Kamel S. Saidi, Nicholas A. Scott
Abstract: The NIST Construction Metrology and Automation Group is researching structural steel pick-andplace
operations using a robotic crane coupled with sensor data distribution and construction component
identification and tracking systems. This paper outlines new developments in this research including the
addition of an automated gripper mechanism for RoboCrane and 4D-CAD sequenced multi-component
placement. In addition, ...
Keywords: construction automation, laser tracking, LADAR imaging, robotic crane
Sang-Il Gho, Jong-Suk Choi, Ji-Yoon Yoo, Mun-Sang Kim
Abstract: In this paper, we will research the simultaneous performing of both the obstacle detection
for mobile robots and the localization for automatic battery recharging. And also, this research
suggests the new-concept of sensor system using the ultrasonic devices for performing the above
mentioned tasks. Robots with this new sensor system can not only ...
Keywords: Obstacle detection, Localization, Mobile robot
Hyun-Don Kim, Jong-Suk Choi, Chang-Hoon Lee, Munsang Kim
Abstract: In this paper, we propose reliable detection of sounds direction for human robot interaction. Compared
with previous researches, this system comprises simpler algorithm and a proposed nonlinear amplifier which has
advantages to increase a detectible distance of sound signal in spite of simple circuits. Moreover, we propose the new performance index using ...
Keywords: sound localization, voice activity detection, human robot interaction, intelligent robot
Jung-Hyun Moon, Bum-Jae You, Hagbae Kim, Sang-Rok Oh
Abstract: Localization is one of the most important issues for mobile robots since all tasks are commanded to a
mobile robot based on the assumption that the mobile robot knows its position. Even though non-probabilistic
techniques are faster than probabilistic approaches, those are sensitive to measurement errors and a mobile robot
may lose its ...
Keywords: global localization, fast probabilistic localization, sensor remodeling, angle-histgram
Seung Heon Han, Kyungho Chin, Myung Jin Chae
Abstract: The recent use of information technology (IT) has effectively promoted integration of fragmented information under the distributed construction environment. However, to date, many Internet based system for online project collaboration solutions do not provide standard formats in transmitting contractual documents and project-related information specifically for public projects. This paper provides ...
Keywords: CITIS, virtual organization, information technology, fully integrated collaborative system, electronic collaboration, online project collaboration solutions
Masayuki Takata, Eiji Arai, Junichi Yagi
Abstract: This paper describes an implementation of the Integrated Construction Process Management System, which includes manufacturing process management features for building parts, and also includes construction process management features at construction site.
Keywords: integrated process management system, part-manufacturing process management, building construction process management, intensive data management system
Sangyoon Chin, Woo-Young Kang, Yea-Sang Kim, Kyungrai Kim, Jai-Do Shin
Abstract: A daily report is one of the critical documents in construction projects, since it helps them keep track
of various as-built information such as task performed, manpower, equipment, and material used on a daily basis.
Despite the important role in progress management, the daily reporting process is time-consuming, and the
representation of task ...
Keywords: Daily Reports, Task, Location, Space, Information Model, Information System, Database
Soon-Wook Kwon, Min-Woo Lee, Jae-Goo Han, Moon-Young Cho, Jae-Woo Park
Abstract: Current study of material management on construction site insists that the ratio of material handling costs to total project costs varies in 30 to 80% depends on the type of construction and the cost of materials [1]. Site layout planning and material management are fundamental to reduce materials handling and ...
Keywords: RFID, high-rise building, finishing work phases, procurement, material tracking
Wen-der Yu, Jia-wei Fu
Abstract: Accurate cost estimation in the early stage of project lifecycle is essential for
both effective financial planning and cost control of construction projects. Previous
efforts by the research team have developed a Web-based Intelligent Cost Estimator
(WICE) system. This paper describes a further step of WICE research to develop a
special-purpose web agent for ...
Keywords: Web agent; Neuro-fuzzy; Conceptual estimation; Highway construction; WICE
Jongchul Song, Carlos Caldas, Esin Ergen, Carl Haas, Burcu Akinci
Abstract: The FIATECH Smart Chips project, in conjunction with Shaw Pipe Fabricators and Fluor
Corporation, undertook field tests of current RFID technology to determine its technical feasibility for
automatically identifying fabricated pipe spools in a laydown yard and tracking shipment through
portals. The results indicate the technology could work effectively in the field environment ...
Keywords: Automated Data Collection, RFID, Technical Feasibility, Materials Management
Chun-Nen Huang, Doxon Wu, Ming-Teh Wang
Abstract: Being an integral part of accessing the modern automated system, Auto-ID (Automatic
Identification) system is a proven technology of providing a more accurate, detailed, timely and advanced
information for architectural operation. Currently, the various technologies that are used for Auto-ID are:
barcodes, optical character recognition (OCR), radio frequency identification (RFID), magnetic stripe and ...
Keywords: Aut-ID, Bar Code, and Steel Structural Construction Process
Jeong-Han Woo, Mark Clayton, Robert Johnson
Abstract: The knowledge of design experts, mostly tacit, holds tremendous value if made reusable for the right project at the right time. With emerging CMC (Computer-Mediated Communication) technologies, architectural practice has been transformed and faces new opportunities for capturing and reusing tacit design knowledge in a distributed design environment. This paper ...
Keywords: tacit design knowledge, Computer-Mediated Communication, Synchronous Chat, Knowledge Mapping
Seung Yeon Choo
Abstract: It is true that the commercial applications used in architectural offices have mainly focused
on CAD as a drafting tool, although the primary functions of computers in architecture have been
changed from the computer-aided drafting to its 2D or 3D graphic representation and in recent years
to the collaborative design among different specialists, ...
Keywords: Design- and Ordering-Principles, Collaborative Design, Product Model, IFC2x,
Integration, CAAD
Frans van Gassel, Jos van Leeuwen, Ad den Otter
Abstract: In conceptual design of architectural artefacts, designers from different disciplines work together.
Multi-disciplinary collaboration is required when buildings and their construction have a complex nature. If this
collaboration is not effective and efficient, it might lead to the construction of buildings that clients disapprove
cost too much regarding the delivered quality and extend ...
Keywords: Construction Management, Collaborative Design, ICT Tools, Experiential Learning.
Risa Nishiyama, Makoto Ebisui, Ken Tomiyama, Junichi Yagi
Abstract: This paper proposes a life cycle oriented construction system that considers each construction parts;
walls, bath units, kitchen utilities and other facilities as primitive artificial life (AL) forms consisting of a more
complicated artificial life form, i.e. the house. As a start, we developed AL-based housing design assistant
software that let AL-forms connect ...
Keywords: Artificial Life, Life cycle oriented construction system, smart parts, Movable Finite Automata,
Housing design, Remodeling, Design preferences of customers, RFID
Ghang Lee, Rafael Sacks, Charles Eastman, Ragnar Wessman
Abstract: 3D parametric modeling technology was first introduced about 15 years ago, but still only a few sectors in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) have successfully adopted the technology in production. This paper reports the second phase of an early successful collaboration project between an industry sector, academia and a CAD ...
Keywords: parametric modeling, intelligent CAD, precast and prestressed concrete
Ruta Miniotaite
Abstract: The article analyzes the methods of multi-criteria alternative technological solution
evaluation in construction environment. Methodology, which is used, allows to complexically evaluate the
efficiency of construction designed decisions at the stage of preparation phase. There has been done a
practical technological modeling of installation process of concrete floor as well as there have ...
Keywords: multi-criteria optimization, method of proximity to an ideal point, rational trusses